Culture Writer Kit Parsons interviews YouTuber Brett Conti and argues that the changing media landscape, from TV to YouTube, fosters greater diversity and creativity
More children dream of becoming YouTubers than going to space. Content creation is now more popular than being an astronaut. YouTube is not to be undervalued in today’s digital age. More young people watch YouTube than all the major TV networks combined. I would argue that when people watch YouTube, however, they have a much more engaging, and real experience with their favourite creators. Instead of watching some sub-par comedian stumble through their monologue at the start of their millionth live show, people are consuming content made by people who they can relate to, and who inspire them.
“More young people watch YouTube than all the major TV networks combined
A YouTuber who stands out for me as creating particularly creative and engaging content, whilst maintaining a fantastic level of cinematographic shots, is the New-York based Brett Conti. All too often bold ideas come at the expense of photographic execution. But this does not apply to Brett. Brett’s content has evolved over the years. He began by documenting the creation of his business, Fortune NY, but he has since created vlogs, travel, and inspirational entrepreneurial content. Brett is the quintessential example of a hard-working creator who is not afraid of trying new things on his channel. He is such a dedicated creator that he actually has two channels, in his main channel, Brett Conti, which has just shy of 400 thousand subscribers, and his new second channel Brett and the City, which has just under ten thousand. His second channel is more of a vlogging channel, so is perfect if you prefer a more relaxed style of video. Some of my favourite videos Brett has made, that I would recommend, would be his ‘What Can $100 Get in NYC’ video and his recent Thanksgiving video. But if you are more interested in travel content, why not try his ‘How to Travel to Turkey’ video? You are bound to find something of interest on what Brett has called the ‘Brett Conti variety channel.’
I have enjoyed watching Brett’s rise and evolution as a creator. I started watching him when he had under ten thousand subscribers, so I am happy all of his hard work is being recognised and rewarded by more subscribers. I think this is only the start for Brett. I genuinely believe he can become one of the worlds biggest YouTubers. He reminds me a great deal of a younger Casey Neistat. Due to my being a fan, I was happy when Brett agreed to answer some of my questions about his channel. I hope you find Brett’s story inspirational… You can certainly learn lessons from his words of wisdom. You can read our conversation below:
“[Brett Contis] reminds me a great deal of a younger Casey Neistat
Kit Parsons: How did you get into YouTube? What inspired you to take the leap of faith and start your channel?
Brett Conti: I got into YouTube after college. I had just moved into a tiny 6 story walk up apartment in Chinatown with 7 strangers as roommates. At the time, I was so excited, and I knew this was the beginning to my entrepreneurial journey. So, I started making little vlogs of running my clothing and skate brand, Fortune NYC out of this tiny apartment. I’m super happy I documented this process, as now I can still go back and relive those days and see where it all started.
Kit Parsons: What would you attribute the growth of your channel to? What’s the magic formula?
Brett Conti: Trial and error. My channel has gone through multiple different evolutions. From being lifestyle vlogs, to travel guides, to more business inspired content. The key is to keep a healthy balance of providing what your audience wants to see and what you want to create.
Kit Parsons: What are your goals with the channel? Where do you want to take it?
Brett Conti: My #1 goal with it is to create an impactful community. I’m extremely grateful of everyone who is a part of it, and I love hearing their success stories as if they’re my friend or family – even if I’ve never met them before. Looking into the future, I would say I see my channel becoming more focused around this, building a community.
“What’s the magic formula? Trial and error
Kit Parsons: Finally, do you have any exciting video ideas that the readers can look forward to?
Brett Conti: I have a really exciting Christmas video coming out about helping a subscriber chase his dream. As well as doing my first project involving brick and mortar in early 2022. As well as some exotic travels sprinkled in there.
We know the media ecosystem is changing. But as long as there are creative people out there like Brett putting out new content, the wealth of diverse and creative content will keep on growing. I would like to thank Brett for his time, it was kind of him to take the time, and I think it shows what a kind person he his. So, do not be dismayed by the collapse of network TV. Just watch Brett Conti.
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