TV Critic Robbie Hawken urges people to watch this unconventional travel series
This week’s web series of the week is ‘How Not to Travel Europe’ by Youtuber GeoWizard. After starting as a gaming YouTuber predominately showing off his expertise on the popular game GeoGuessr, which drops you in a random place on Google Maps and gives points based on your guess as to your location, GeoWizard a.k.a. Tom Davis has moved into travel videos.
These vlogs are far from stress-free clips of someone’s holiday, as Tom attempts to complete multiple challenges set for himself throughout the trip. Davis began with his attempt to cross Wales in a straight line which is also a series well worth watching. Now, he has moved onto his new series, where he attempts to travel from Geneva to Bratislava, without spending any money, alongside his best mate Welsh Greg.
The 5-part series is a roller coaster of emotions and leaves you often questioning the sanity of its creators. The modes of travel challenges are particularly interesting, as the pair attempt to use as many modes as they possibly can, ranging from scooters to kayaks (and many more). It must also be said that the charm of the videos stems from their host, whose honesty and sense of humour consistently bring me back to his videos.
Overall, the series leaves you with a fantastic sense of well-being and a renewed belief in the kindness of people, as they are helped along their way by a smorgasbord of people, each no more obliging than the last. Although the pair do seem to be unbelievably lucky at times with who they bump into, perhaps this instead shows us that we should put more faith in one another as the results can be as astounding as this truly wonderful and hilarious series, which I would recommend to anyone, although perhaps not the faint-hearted.
Check out more ‘Web Series of the Week’ here: