Comment Writer Shirin Dan reflects on the consumer pressures of the festive season and assesses how we can adapt our spending habits to reduce financial stress

Written by shrndn

Black-Friday, which began as a post-Thanksgiving tradition in the United States, has evolved into a global spectacle in which consumers embark on a discount-hunting spree that reflects both strategic warfare and collective excitement.

In the United Kingdom, Black Friday has a significant impact on how we view the holidays. Consumer pressure typically rises during the holiday season, fuelled by advertising, social media, and societal expectations. Individuals may feel compelled to conform to this behaviour, which may include spending large sums of money on gifts and hosting elaborate celebrations. The tradition of gift-giving is central to many holiday celebrations.

However, societal expectations and the desire to meet or exceed gift-giving norms can lead to the purchase of expensive items that are out of reach for individuals or families, even with Black-Friday Deals. Financial stress during and after the holiday season can have a negative impact on one’s mental health. The stress of debt management, financial uncertainty, and potential feelings of regret or guilt for overspending can all exacerbate anxiety and stress-related issues. 

Adopting more responsible and mindful approaches to holiday spending, such as setting a budget, focusing on meaningful rather than expensive gifts, and resisting the urge to overspend, can help reduce the financial impact. 

Additionally, encouraging financial literacy and education can help individuals and families make informed holiday spending decisions. Financial education could be integrated into various levels of school curricula as one approach. Teaching fundamental concepts like budgeting, saving, investing, and understanding interest rates. Individuals who understand financial concepts are better equipped to make informed decisions, resulting in greater financial empowerment.

Individuals who understand financial concepts are better equipped to make informed decisions, resulting in greater financial empowerment

Understanding the long-term implications of excessive spending is essential for developing good financial habits. The importance of shared experiences and spending quality time with loved ones can be overshadowed by the emphasis on extravagant gifts and material possessions. The true spirit of the holidays can be enhanced by shifting the emphasis from materialism to meaningful interactions. 

The true spirit of the season emphasises the importance of gratitude, encouraging people to reflect on and appreciate the positive aspects of their lives, which contributes to the traditional values of holidays. Furthermore, the holidays frequently highlight the importance of spending time with family and loved ones. These occasions allow for the strengthening of familial bonds, the creation of shared memories, and the reinforcing of a sense of belonging. The holidays frequently encourage people to reflect on the previous year, consider personal growth, and set goals for the future. The majority of these values represent timeless principles that continue to shape the essence of holiday celebrations. They create an atmosphere of shared happiness and a sense of continuity, linking the past, present, and future. 

These occasions allow for the strengthening of familial bonds, the creation of shared memories, and the reinforcing of a sense of belonging

Focusing back on the traditional values could also help reduce the environmental consequences of the materialisation of the holidays. The production, packaging, and disposal of goods all contribute to resource depletion and waste generation, increasing the environmental footprint of the holiday season. Cheap and unnecessary gifts frequently lack long-term practicality.  They could be novelty items or trinkets that quickly lose their appeal, causing them to be discarded or forgotten. Furthermore, many low-cost items are manufactured with little regard for environmental sustainability. Low-quality mass production can contribute to pollution, resource depletion, and increased waste in landfills. Consumers contribute to the perpetuation of demand for such items by participating in the cycle of buying and discarding cheap, unnecessary gifts. As a result, manufacturers are encouraged to continue producing disposable goods.

Families may want to consider more environmentally friendly holiday celebrations. Making homemade gifts, attending community events, or participating in low-cost but meaningful activities are all examples of this. 

Because of the high cost of living, shared experiences may be valued more than material possessions. Without incurring significant financial costs, families and individuals can prioritise activities and traditions that create lasting memories and strengthen bonds. Communities facing economic challenges can work together to provide assistance during the holidays. This can include organising events, sharing resources, and cultivating a sense of community to help those affected by the cost of living crisis. 

The pressure to meet societal expectations may tempt us to overspend, but the quiet acknowledgement of economic challenges provides an opportunity for a more intentional and compassionate approach to the holidays. Therefore we should create a tapestry of celebrations that will withstand consumerism’s relentless tide. In the face of economic adversity, may our choices reflect a commitment to mindful consumption, financial responsibility, and the nurturing of bonds that outweigh the ephemeral lustre of material possessions.

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