Travel Writer Heidi Linton gives us the low-down on how we can visit Slovenia for two very different styles of holiday
Henry Meredith narrates his experience of travelling through Madeira, and how it did not live up to expectations
As the 2020s begin, Redbrick writers and editors come together to write about their favourite places and devise your 2020 bucket list...
Bethany Carter explains how visiting Venice in Winter provided her with many cost-effective benefits
Travel Writer Zoe Willis gives us her initial impressions of French life in comparison to UoB
Roisin Dixon outlines her trip to New Zealand, giving an insight into the best places to visit on the South Island from top to bottom
Lauren Haywood fondly recounts her Gap Year Adventures in Borneo
Georgina Tait, a seasoned skier, discusses her experiences with brumski as a beginner and as a more advanced skier
Zahra Ahmed lists some of the top destinations for those seeking to travel the world they see on screen
Deputy Editor Kat Smith enjoys a chilly few days in the Dutch capital
Travel Writer Saivan Khonji - Sajjadi shares his experience of visiting two Japanese cities