TV Editor Jessica Green takes us through TV’s most relatable Girl-Nerds
The Girl-Nerds appear to have become something of a popular trope on our screens today, no longer being shunned to a two-dimensional, secondary role. The 21st-century has enabled clever but socially awkward women to finally step into the limelight as fully fleshed out characters that we can all be proud to identify with. Here are my favourite female dorks on TV today who are smart, strong, and quite simply, adorkable.
New Girl’s Jessica Day
From her enthusiasm for teaching to her minor (read: major) obsession with arts and crafts, Jess is the definition of a dork – but one that we all fall in love with from the very beginning. It’s difficult to tune into an episode of New Girl and not find yourself wanting to be the fun and bubbly Jessica Day.
“Jess makes it very difficult to finish an episode of New Girl and not simply want to be her
Despite constantly being in the presence of her model best friend CeCe, who can pull off skin-tight dresses and killer heels on a daily basis, Jess never loses sense of her own distinctive style. Most of her outfits feature a puritan collar and set of ballet flats, and her signature look would not be complete without her big quirky glasses and trademark fringe. From her tendency to burst into song at random intervals to her regular efforts to try and organise all her friends’ lives, Jess makes it very difficult to finish an episode of New Girl and not simply want to be her.
Community’s Annie Edison
“A passing grade? Like a C? Why don’t I just get pregnant at a bus station?” Only the best is good enough for Annie Edison, who remains as dedicated a student as ever after recovering from her nervous breakdown and subsequently losing her college scholarship. She may have left the braces and addiction to Adderall behind at Riverside High, but her passion for learning certainly followed her all the way to Greendale Community College.
The definition of a star pupil, Annie’s drive to do well extends far beyond the classroom as she partakes in a range of extracurricular activities, including working on the school newspaper, being part of the debating team, and even running for student body president. As well as looking out for herself, Annie also has a big heart and is committed to motivating her friends to be the best they can possibly be.
However, Annie isn’t all sunshine and innocence, and knows exactly how to use her good-girl demeanour to get exactly what she wants. After betraying her Spanish study friends, Jeff Winger puts it to the group: “Now she is going to make the Disney face. Her lip is going to quiver and her eyes will flutter… but do not feel sorry for her!” And yet, when it comes to Annie with her big blue eyes and something pout, we just can’t help but do exactly that.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Amy Santiago
“Our favourite dork of a police officer could never be accused of not embracing her neediness
Many would say that settling on a favourite character from Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s infinitely talented cast is something of an impossible task. But in my opinion, Amy Santiago wins hands down. Every. Single. Time.
With her outward love of puzzles and hatred of abbreviations, our favourite dork of a police officer could never be accused of not embracing her neediness. She is rarely seen without her trademark pantsuit in a sensible shade of navy blue, and her competitive nature alongside her determination to suck up to Captain Holt on a daily basis most definitely makes her the most ambitious cop in the Nine-Nine.