Food&Drink Editor Rachel Judt shares her favourite vegan salad recipe using ingredients from ALDI. 

I’m a third year English and Creative Writing student who enjoys culture, fitness and exploring nature.
Images by Unsplash

I was staring into my fridge a few months ago wondering how I could use the few random ingredients I had left from my ALDI shop. Then, I discovered my new, favourite, go-to dish.

This meal is particularly great because not only is it balanced and nutritious, it’s super scrummy and incredibly speedy to make. Not to mention, it can be modified to suit your preferences and is super energising. 

I am vegan, so I’ve used a generous serving of chickpeas for my protein source, however you can add as an addition, or swap these for grilled or baked salmon, chicken or other meats/plant based meat alternatives. 



  • 1 can of chickpeas
  • A bag of mixed lettuce leaves (whatever mix you prefer)
  • ½ avocado 
  • 100g mushrooms
  • ½ an onion
  • 1 teaspoon of cooking oil 
  • 4 baby sweetcorns
  • However much sweet chilli sauce your heart desires
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Extra chilli flakes / fresh chillies for added kick
  • Coriander (I prefer fresh, but dried is just fine)
  • Lemon juice




  1. Firstly, preparing the veg. Wash your lettuce, mushrooms and baby corn, dice your onions, mushrooms and baby corn, and drain and rinse the chickpeas.
  2. Next, add some oil into your pan and shallow fry your onions, mushrooms and baby corn. Season with salt, pepper, chilli flakes / fresh chillies.
  3. Keep an eye on the pan as these cook. Grab a big bowl, add your lettuce, slice and add fresh coriander (if using the dried variation, add to the pan to season the veg with). 
  4. Once the vegetables are cooked, add these to the lettuce, along with the chickpeas.
  5. Then, take your avocado, mash or slice, and stir into the salad bowl.
  6. Mix all the ingredients together and drizzle the sweet chilli sauce and lemon juice as you like. Add additional salt, pepper and lemon juice to suit your tastes.



  • You may adapt the type and quantity of vegetables used, as well as the volume of chickpeas and lettuce. 
  • All of these ingredients are available at ALDI, making this recipe hopefully, a little more accessible and affordable for everyone.



Hungry for more? Check out these recipes!

Recipe: Vegan Fakeaway 

Recipe: Tasty Vegetarian Trifle

Recipe: Easy Vegan Coconut Curry
