Looking for motivation and professional tips this exam season? Life&Style writers share their favourite role models and career-based influencers
Amie Kealy – Meggan Grubb
Over the last few years there has been an influx on social media of gym and fitness influencers. Some are out there just for the following and fame, but others have shown a genuine interest in building a community where people feel safe to follow their fitness goals. One influencer who has been particularly inspiring to me is Meggan Grubb, whose live fitness classes and exercise routines genuinely motivate me to keep in shape. What I find most inspiring about Meggan Grubb, however, isn’t her killer workouts (although they really are a good challenge), but the recent app she brought out called ‘beyond’. With the slogan to her app ‘beyond just a fitness app’, she provides not only workouts, but also meal ideas and, perhaps most importantly, a space for journaling one’s own well-being.
“In the fast-paced, constantly moving world that we find ourselves in, it is so important to take some down time
In the fast-paced, constantly moving world that we find ourselves in, it is so important to take some down time and allow yourself to breathe. With her app, Meggan Grubb provides just that – a space to think through your day and allow yourself the chance to take a step back and collect yourself. Although you could argue that you don’t necessarily need an app to achieve this (and you are right, you don’t), using her app makes you feel part of a community. You can share your experiences with others, and likewise learn their experiences. It is this sense of community that Meggan has created that I truly feel deserves some attention. She has made working out and bettering oneself, online or virtually, a place of safety and reassurance, rather than a place of harassment and embarrassment, and I think that is really something amazing.
Cara-Louise Scott – Jade Bowler (Unjaded Jade)
Jade Bowler, also known as Unjaded Jade, is an influencer most known for being a part of the Study-tube community, who are a group of YouTubers who upload videos around education and study tips. Since I was in my GCSE years, I have been watching Jade’s videos to help motivate myself, help with my studies and just because I find her life so inspiring. She applied for the University of Oxford and didn’t get accepted, so she took a gap year instead of going to her back up choice (University of Bristol). During her gap year she did interrailing around Europe, went to Australia and spent three months volunteering in Uganda (just to name a few things). She then got accepted into Minerva University, which is a highly competitive institution where students study in 7 different countries during their studies, and can study a range of subjects.
“Watching Jade’s videos makes me feel inspired to always chase my dreams
The fact that Jade’s massive dream of Oxford did not work out, yet she persevered and is now living a life many people can only dream of, just shows that you can really do anything you put your mind to. Watching Jade’s videos makes me feel inspired to always chase my dreams. Everyone should check out Jade’s channel, Twitter and LinkedIn – she is the role model that all students need in their life.
Chelsie Henshaw – Grace Beverley
I am going to be completely honest with you, I am definitely one of Grace Beverley’s number one fan girls. She is the definition of a boss and she is dominating the business world. If you do not already know who Grace Beverley is, where have you been? But do not worry, I will give you the rundown on all you need to know.
“Grace has only gone from strength to strength, expanding her businesses whilst still keeping her morals
It all started for her whilst she was studying Music at Oxford while simultaneously running a YouTube channel and two businesses. Now I do not know about you, but I do not think I would be able to juggle two business whilst completing a degree…especially at Oxford. Grace has always been my biggest inspiration for this reason. Whenever I was lacking motivation in my first year of university, I would watch her videos to inspire me to work harder. Since graduating, Grace has only gone from strength to strength, expanding her businesses whilst still keeping her morals. Her businesses are sustainable, and she is very transparent in everything she does, always striving to be as ethical as possible. I think it is so refreshing to see a young woman living her best life and thriving in a typically male role in industry, as well as demonstrating to the fitness world that a sustainable business model does in fact sell. Grace has recently published her first book, Working Hard, Hardly Working, which has been successful in gaining lots of positive reviews; it definitely seems to be one to add to the wish list. If you want a role model and someone to give you the motivation to finish that dissertation, or simply just more of an insight into Grace’s jam-packed schedule, you can follow her Instagram here.
Saskia Hirst – Vee Kativhu
Vee Kativhu – a true career inspiration – can be introduced in many ways. A ‘social media influencer’ (a title that has become highly scrutinised) and ‘Linkedin Change Maker’ do not seem to do justice to the wistful magic that the wonderful Kativhu inspires. What calls to me is Kativhu’s story. Hailing from an under-represented background, she was one of the first ‘guinea pigs’ (her words) of the Lady Margaret Hall foundation year at Oxford University, despite one highly discouraging teacher. But her wildest dreams came true, and she was accepted onto the foundation year, though Kativhu hit what seemed like a brick wall when she received BBB instead of her offer of AAB at A-Level. Nonetheless, she sashayed her way into Oxford regardless.
“Kativhu flawlessly outdoes herself time and time again
Kativhu certainly gives capitalism a run for its money and inspires hope. Despite coming from an under-represented background, she does not have to fit the perfect mould of a straight-A student to transcend her circumstances, which is wonderfully refreshing. But she did not stop there – Kativhu flawlessly outdoes herself time and time again. Whilst at Oxford, she set up Empowered By Vee and was accepted into Harvard for postgraduate study for her future plans to improve female education in Zimbabwe. Oh, and if that wasn’t enough, she has also written a book!
In exam season, Kativhu gently reminds us we can still blossom under pressure, and that, in a nutshell, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Brick walls are easy to run into, but Kativhu reminds us that progress is progress, and that it is more than possible to achieve shining success and dreams beyond our own limiting beliefs or circumstances. On that note, I will conclude my love letter to Vee Kativhu as a magnificent career inspiration to hold onto for hope.
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