Travel Editor Catrin Jackson debates whether seminars taking place on Zoom are easing coronavirus anxiety for students
Following UCU’s announcement of ‘61 new cases of coronavirus amongst students and large numbers in isolation awaiting tests,’ the prospect of going onto campus for a seminar has been very anxiety-inducing for students. These seminars would be the first sessions they are attending since 23rd March when Boris Johnson announced a national lockdown. It is natural to feel daunted when thinking about an in-person seminar again.
“Some students I have spoken to reported feeling extreme anxiety when confronted with the option to attend in-person seminars
Though the prospect of going to an in-person seminar again appears both progressive and normal, some students I have spoken to reported feeling extreme anxiety when confronted with the option to attend in-person seminars. For one, it was the concept of wearing a mask for two hours, feeling suffocated and having to remember all the distancing rules. For another, it was the uncertainty of being in a room full of people again.
Though a seminar room contains a group of people, feelings of isolation and anxiety are still prevalent. In some seminars, students are unable to turn around to face each other and speak. This made the idea of having a zoom seminar more encouraging. In contrast to the precautions one must consider that when attending a seminar in-person, students can attend Zoom lectures from the comfort of their own home without experiencing this further anxiety. Moreover, where in some seminars, students are unable to turn to converse with one-another, the Zoom break-out rooms mimic this seminar-style discussion in small groups, which did feel more normal than sitting stagnant wearing a mask for two hours. It is certainly impressive to consider how coherently technology like Zoom has managed to replicate aspects of in-person seminar sessions.
“There are some additional technological advancements on Zoom convenient for easing anxiety
In addition to this, there are some additional technological advancements on Zoom convenient for easing anxiety. For students too nervous to speak in the Zoom seminar, many tutors offer the option of contributing in the chat throughout the session, enabling their involvement without their anxiety holding them back from joining in.
Luckily, students can decide between in-person and virtual seminars, enabling them to choose the option they are most comfortable with. Hopefully, the option you have chosen has helped ease your anxiety during this difficult time.
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