Digital Editor Halima Ahad reports on the new Industry Fellowship between University of Birmingham and UKBIC
The Faraday Institution Industry Fellowship has been established between the UK Battery Industrialisation Centre and the University of Birmingham. This fellowship will allow the two significant groups to share expertise on slurry and coating processability.
An industry fellowship, by definition, is when a university faculty member and practising industry professional (the industry fellow) take part in a joint curriculum review and plan and deliver a course relating to the professional’s area of expertise.
The industry fellowship will be led by Professor Emma Kendrick and Dr Carl Reynolds. Professor Kendrick had significantly been working with The Faraday Institution on their Nextrode project. Kendrick, as the work package leader, investigated smarter slurry cast electrodes.
“This fellowship will mean the sharing of expertise between the two significant groups
Some of the aims of the twelve-month fellowship include: determining the best practice for slurry characterisation, transferring knowledge of slurry characterisation to UKBIC, and further developing the understanding of the impact of the slurry and coating processability.
Overall, researchers at the University of Birmingham will further benefit from the collaboration by developing things such as experience in tailoring research for manufacture.
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