News Writer Katie Norris reports how The Midlands Air Ambulance Charity has changed the way it funds its lifesaving operations by encouraging ‘virtual’ supporters as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic
The Midlands Air Ambulance Charity has changed the way it funds its lifesaving operations by encouraging ‘virtual’ supporters as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The charity usually relies on donations from the six local communities that it serves, but as this is generated through events, talks, and charity shops, these are no longer feasible due to government restrictions.
Instead, the charity is moving its dedicated team of supporters and volunteers online, by appealing for ‘virtual volunteers’ to help with their fundraising.
“Throughout the pandemic the demand for our pre-hospital emergency care service has increased by 35 per cent
The Midlands Air Ambulance Charity now uses Zoom to give its usual talks and cheque presentations and the public are now being encouraged to get involved with these too.
Emma Gray, Fundraising and Marketing director at the charity, said: ‘Throughout the pandemic the demand for our pre-hospital emergency care service has increased by 35 per cent’, a figure which shows why donations are as important as ever during this time.
This is an important lifesaving service which has by no means slowed down during the pandemic, and as a virtual supporter you can:
- Take part in the charities online initiatives, such as the virtual Tatenhill Airbase Open Day. On 28th June 2020 the charity will be giving a virtual tour of the helicopter, rapid response vehicle and the airbase, as well as an interactive Q&A with the aircrew and an incident demonstration.
- Create awareness through social media: The charity has a Facebook, Twitter and an Instagram page. Sharing posts about fundraising initiatives or about the Midlands Air Ambulance’s work can help increase donations. If you spot the helicopters flying overhead, taking a picture (where safe and legal to do so) and sharing it is another way to raise awareness – make sure you tag the charity too!
- Receive updates from the charity, directly to your email inbox. To be sent the free Take Off magazine and join the mailing list, email info@midlandsairambulance.com.
Midlands Air Ambulance also supports frontline services by working with the regional NHS community during the coronavirus pandemic. Its ‘virtual volunteers’ will help to provide clinical resources and specialist medical equipment to those in need.
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