Food&Drink Editor Cara-Louise Scott shares her tips and tricks for making stress over the Easter holidays more manageable
It is that time of year again when we breathe a sigh of relief that it is finally the end of this part of the semester, which I am sure we can all agree, has been busy. Whilst it marks the beginning of the three-week Easter break where we can have some time off from lectures, seminars and the unstoppable grind of university, it also leaves a confusing question lingering over us: How much work should we actually be doing over the ‘holidays?’
With deadlines looming next month, it is a stressful time of year which means that many of us will just want a full break without having to keep up the university workload. However, getting a balance is essential to making sure you are having some relaxing time with friends or family, whether you are going ‘home’ for Easter or staying in Birmingham, whilst maintaining a good balance of studying so that those assignments are not left until the last minute.
From personal experience, it can be a challenge trying to balance study and leisure, particularly when I am home for Easter knowing my family will want to spend time with me, but also knowing that I have to dedicate a good amount of time for my assignments. It can be a lot to manage a balance between these two things, here are some tips, taken from my experience, that will hopefully help you manage any potential stress over the Easter break.
Having a schedule of when you are going to sit down and study is the first thing you should do, and the earlier the better. Knowing what days and times you are going to work on your assignments will push you into achieving your goals. Also, writing down what specifically needs doing will motivate you to complete the tasks on those days so that you don’t fall behind. Prioritising is essential.
Manageable chunks
Time-management is key in making sure you break your work into manageable chunks to avoid future stress. On days I have dedicated to study, I like to make sure I set aside a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the afternoon or later on in the day, with a gap or two throughout the day which I can keep free just in case my parents decide to go out somewhere. This way, you are not putting pressure on yourself to study all day just in case other things come up.
Having breaks
This is similar to my last point but making sure you have breaks is important to re-charging your body to keep your brain engaged with the work you’re doing.
Get started early
I prefer to get my work done earlier on in the day so that I can enjoy my free time knowing I have completed my goals for the day. Whilst some days this might not be realistic, and perhaps you are someone who works better at night, completing your work at the start of the day may be something you might want to consider to stop that feeling of being rushed, and subsequently stressed, later on.
Quiet Space
Try to find a low-noise area you can do your work, whether this is in your bedroom away from your family and friends, on campus if you are in Birmingham, or a local cafe or library.
Allow yourself full days off
It is the Easter holidays, and you will make yourself more stressed if you work every single day over the three-weeks. This is why you should make sure there are some days when you completely forget (or at least try to) about assignments and just enjoy yourself.
I know this is a cliché ‘de-stressor’ but it really does work for a lot of people, including myself. If you are feeling stressed at any moment, taking a break for a quick (or even long) walk does help more than you may think. Allowing yourself fresh air, being surrounded by nature of any kind can help you relax away from the environment that you were stressed in, where you can think about something different from university work. Exercise has been proven to reduce health problems and boost energy. It really does reduce stress.
Ask for help
If you are struggling, ask for help. Some lecturers and tutors should be available to talk to via email or office hours, and mental health services are always around to help if you are wanting someone to talk to, whether that is about your work load, or something else.
Ultimately, it is important to find the work-life-relax balance that works for you. There is no one-size-fits-all prescription for managing stress over Easter, and therefore the most important thing to consider is to be mindful of your own efficiency and limits. Responding to this, as well as the other factors such as workspace and exercise, will create the best environment for productivity, keeping the deadline season stress at bay.
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