Print and Features Editor Ash talks about Mary Spender’s debut album Super. Sexy. Heartbreak. appreciating its response in the music industry

first year Digital Media and Communications student, culture editor and general geek
Last updated

British singer-songwriter Mary Spender embarked on her debut headline tour on Tuesday 24th September. The singer rose to popularity through her YouTube channel, where she posts regular content analysing the music industry, shares helpful tips to those hoping to break into the industry, and posts the occasional cover to an audience of over 700k.

This tour provides space for Spender to showcase her first studio-recorded album Super. Sexy. Heartbreak.

Spender broke into the mainstream music industry in 2019, with the help of the infamous American artist John Mayer, and 21st Century Music. With two albums and a selection of singles under her belt, the anticipation for her upcoming shows is high.

This tour provides space for Spender to showcase her first studio-recorded album Super. Sexy. Heartbreak. The album was released incrementally on her YouTube channel starting in September 2023, and the completed album dropped on streaming services in July 2024. The album dons a Lana Del Rey adjacent genre, with Spender’s incredible vocals pairing with a jazz-esque, soul style. 

…she showcases her talent with the fingerstyle technique throughout Super. Sexy Heartbreak. Something that is guaranteed to translate flawlessly into her live performance.

The album consists of 11 tracks all with a similar synthetic aura. She combines genres including soul, rock, folk and blues to create a masterpiece that she describes as a testament to her true fans. The album was funded entirely through Patreon with no label or middle-man, showing it is a true ode to her audience and making her craft beautifully intimate. 

A staple of Spender’s music is without a doubt her skill with the guitar. With her YouTube channel being home to tips and tricks on playing the guitar, she showcases her talent with the fingerstyle technique throughout Super. Sexy Heartbreak, something that is guaranteed to translate flawlessly into her live performance. 

The tour kicks off in The Cavern Club in Liverpool – notorious for being the roots of The Beatles – before she takes on the rest of the UK. Mary Spender lands in Birmingham on Saturday 28th September at The Castle & Falcon. 

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