Travel Editor Catrin Jackson debates whether seminars taking place on Zoom are easing coronavirus anxiety for students
Life&Style writers give their top tips to first-year students, with advice on how to navigate university during the pandemic
Life&Style writer Laura Barnes reviews this year's ELLE List, highlighting some of her favourite featured individuals and praising their contributions to the British community
Life&Style's Emma Davis explores the dangers of social media and how our data is used against us, as discussed in the new Netflix documentary 'The Social Dilemma'
Life&Style's Imogen Turner praises next year's International Women's Day plans to reimagine London's tube map to highlight prominent women and non-binary figures
Life&Style writer Emily Burnett argues that the new government scheme may be exploiting body insecurities rather than promoting healthy eating
Life&Style's Georgina Tait discusses 'men are trash': the controversial phrase that has featured in many recent Brumfess posts
Life&Style's Georgina O'Donnell explores how Kanye West's public experience of bipolar disorder may be helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness
Life&Style's Eleanor Howson discusses the impacts of Boohoo's low-pay allegations, and questions whether the scandal has tainted the brand's reputation
Life&Style Writer Olivia Fleming reflects on her chosen lockdown hobbies in the face of the pressure to use her time wisely
Life&Style's Charlotte Illingworth argues that the coronavirus pandemic is exposing longstanding prejudices against face coverings
Life&Style's Emma Curzon discusses Meghan Markle's empowering speech at the 2020 Girl Up Leadership Summit