Food&Drink Editor Harriet Laban discusses Instagram’s decision to ban augmented reality (AR) filters that depict or promote cosmetic surgery, in a move to stop detrimental effects to people’s mental health
Deputy Editor Lydia Waller questions whether the improvement of paternity leave policies is eroding our gendered understandings of parenting and draws attention to those who get left behind
Life&Style Writer Ellie Jeffery weighs up the pros and cons of introducing uniform to university students
Life&Style Writer Andrew Ogun discusses the controversial rise of CGI models within the fashion industry, asking where it leaves those who are already struggling for representation
Life&Style Writer Kitty Jackson addresses the long-standing idea of 'retail therapy' and the issues it creates for mental health
Life&Style Writer Robert Shenkman discusses the misconceptions surrounding work and productivity at university
Life&Style Writer Alys Lloyd discusses the rise in sustainable beauty packaging and the importance of brands committing to the environmental cause
Comment Editor Alice Macfarlane warns us of the disguised dangers of multi-level marketing
Life&Style Writer Hannah Robinson outlines her friend's experience of suffering with this common yet misunderstood condition
Life&Style’s Josie Clarke takes a look at past and present beauty trends and emphasises the importance of individuality in beauty
Life&Style Writer Josie Clarke explains why we need to re-evaluate our approach to fashion and consumerism this Christmas
Life&Style Writer Lucy Perrior says solitary activities are the key to confidence and relaxation and gives readers some ideas about how to best enjoy their alone time