Life&Style writer Ellen Fadden discusses the diagnosis of Gareth Thomas and the importance of de-mystifying HIV
Life&Style editor Imogen Lancaster takes a look at Sport Illustrated's annual swimwear edition featuring Muslim model Halima Aden and questions whether the shoot is a feat for inclusivity or sexualises a sacred religious custom designed to retain modesty
Life&Style Editor Yasmine Kennedy exposes the harsh reality of selfie-editing apps and the potentially damaging effect they may have on impressionable audiences
Life&Style's Emmie Lyon questions whether we should make the personal decision to abstain from having children given the current state of the planet
Life&Style's Isobel McArthur discusses the latest dress sizing scandal with Online Retailer Boohoo and the implications of labelling a Size 8 as large
Life&Style's Elizabeth Winter discusses the negative influence of the promotion of 'fad' diets on Instagram and how it effects mental health
Life and Style Writer, Holly Cockburn discusses the release of Jimmy Choo's Voyager Boots which are designed to heat up through a bespoke app
Life&Style Writer Kate Langford introduces Kaiden Williams, the Primark model with vitiligo and how the skin condition is becoming more widely accepted
Life&Style Writer, Emmie Claringbull discusses cow print, the latest animal print trend and how it can be seamlessly incorporated into our wardrobes
Life&Style Writer Alice Gawthrop discusses the launch of REBELLION, a range of t-shirts inspired by activists in the Write for Rights campaign
Life&Style Writer Josie Hart pays tribute to fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld and discusses how his legacy will be remembered
Food&Drink Editor Lydia Waller, discusses her experience of being ill at uni and shares her best advice on how to deal with it