Life&Style Writer Saffron Breakwell discusses the impacts of the clean girl aesthetic being on the rise
Life&Style writer Mia Lynam discusses TikTok's newest 'That Girl' trend and why she believes that it is damaging for impressionable viewers
Life&Style writer Julia Cawelé discusses whether celebrity fandoms have caused feuds between Selena Gomez and Hailey Beiber
Digital Editor Cara-Louise Scott discusses how important it is for celebrities, especially women, to speak out about Roe vs. Wade
Life&Style Writer Zenna Hussain demystifies the overlap between sapphic and Christian fashion through their common denominator– whiteness
News Editor Anastasis Mauriac reflects on how her time at university and several books changed her view on whiteness
Following the release of series Pam and Tommy, Life&Style Writer Marina Ley reflects on the shift in public perception of celebrities' expectation of privacy
Life&Style Writer Phoebe Cross reflects on the damaging societal rhetoric, seeing that more must be done to understand the unique oppression the lesbian community faces
Social Secretary Ella Kipling sits down with a new University Society, 'Mantality UoB', to find out more about their aims to discuss issues surrounding masculinity in a safe, non-toxic environment
Life&Style Writer Anna Drysdale discusses 'Male-improvement' podcasts and argues that male public figures are less harshly critiqued than women
Social Secretary Ella Kipling discusses what a recent breakthrough in hormonal birth control means for gender equality
Life&Style's Jenny Cooper argues that the fetishisation of daddy issues can be a damaging stereotype of sexualisation, and advocates for a change in perception