Life&Style's Georgia Quirke reflects on the issue of inclusivity within the luxury fashion industry, concluding that much more still needs to be done to tackle elements of tokensim and strive for genuine change
Digital Editor Tamzin Meyer lays out the pros and cons of different types of hair extensions, giving her tips on enhancing natural hair
Life&Style Writer Zenna Hussain explores the toxic implications of the term 'Pretty Privilege' and the damaging effects it has for women
The app conceived by University of Birmingham Alumnus Harriet Noy launches on November 8th, writes Social Secretary Ella Kipling
Life&Style's Jenny Cooper and Julia Lee discuss whether this year's MET Gala's diversified guest list has helped democratise the institution that has long been placed on a pedestal
Upon weighing the pros and cons of digital fashion, Life&Style Writer Zuleika H remains skeptical of its merits
Life&Style Writer Martha Roche gives you all the tools and inspiration you need to rock matching Halloween costumes with your friends
Digital Editor Cerys Gardner discusses how attitudes towards the art form have shifted and shares their own experience with tattooing
Food&Drink Editor Cara-Louise Scott guides us through the different types of Tote Bags and reflects on the plentiful reasons as to why they are a worthwhile purchase
Social Secretary Ella Kipling deep dives into the political connotations of fashion, focusing on the statements made by female politicians in the United States
Comment Editor Colette Fountain gives the low-down on fashion's 'big night out' and an A-list look into the history and politics of the iconic Gala, predicting what celebrities will be flaunting and inspiring us all to shine the spotlight on the MET's red carpet
Print Editor Kitty Grant offers fancy dress ideas, for both the upcoming Freshers Week and other events, showing that fancy dress can be as minimal or as adventurous as you like