Gaming Editor Louis Wright shares his love for iconic Looney Tune Wile E. Coyote – and shares his boiling rage at the tax-break related cancellation of his upcoming movie
I do oh so love the Looney Tunes. And when I say love, I mean I love the Looney Tunes. Those colourful critters are an entertaining little bunch: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Foghorn Leghorn, and even Speedy Gonzales are iconic characters that I cannot help but to point and giggle whenever I see them on screen. But there is one Looney Tune that stands above the rest in terms of what I would describe as a general epicness. And, why yes, that IS Wile E. Coyote, handsome brainiac and canine extraordinaire.
Whenever I watch a classic Wile E. Coyote cartoon on the web and my oh so favourite streaming services like Netflix and HBO (to the) Max, I’m frothing at the mouth in sheer joy and jubilation to see that little rascal get up to antics. Like Jerry from Tom and Jerry seeing a piece of tasty, stinky Gouda I’m slobbering and drooling whenever I see one of those crazy flicks pop up on screen.
“Whenever I watch a classic Wile E. Coyote cartoon, I’m frothing at the mouth in sheer joy and jubilation to see that little rascal get up to antics
So when I heard that those brave sons of guns over at Warner Bros. HQ were doodling away on their notepads making up a Wile E. Coyote movie I was screaming at the top of my lungs, hooting and hollering to the heavens above. Not just any Wile E. Coyote movie mind you, but an epic extravaganza in which our brave little lad, after years of ill-treatment and receiving, to be frank, the short end of the stick takes A Company that Makes Everything (ACME) to the courtroom to finally get his just desserts.
Now, my dear reader, if you’re not caught up on the lore of Looney Tunes like I am, Wile E. Coyote has been trying to catch that tasty snack Roadrunner for nigh on 75 years now and ACME has been kitting him out all the while. But that dastardly little rat Roadrunner must have been paying ACME off because all of Wile E. Coyote’s little gizmos and gadgets have backfired and the poor goober has never been able to catch a break, bless him. So to finally see him get his day in court, to finally see justice served against the cruel capitalist conglomerate that is ACME, was going to be a ball-busting blockbuster like no over.
Then the unthinkable happened.
Excuse my French, but those fine folks down at Warner Bros. shelved Coyote vs. ACME for a second time in February 2024. Now they’d done this once before in November 2023 but us Wile. E Coyote fans (CoyoteKin as we call ourselves) kicked up a bit of a fuss and got the film back in business and set for release once more. Why would they do such an abhorrent, unspeakable act? Tax write offs. If this golden piece of media, featuring big names and beloved characters doesn’t see the light of day, then Warner Bros. gets a whopping big pay out of $30 million from the taxpayers of the good old United States of America.
“Those poor, poor animators slaving away over Wile E. Coyote’s gorgeous, handsome features will see their work go to nought
Ironic isn’t it, ladies and gentlemen, that the film about foiling the heinous acts of a capitalist conglomerate is shut down and will potentially never see the light due to the heinous acts of a capitalist conglomerate. Lest I come across as a being of pure rage like my favourite Avenger, the Incredible Hulk, this is something I am deeply upset by; not only has a film featuring my favourite little guy been lost but also the blood, sweat and tears of countless workers. Those poor, poor animators who spent their lives slaving away over Wile E. Coyote’s gorgeous, handsome features will see their work go to nought.
I say, not just for Wile E. Coyote, but for those lost souls whose lives went into the film, that our campaign should continue. Coyote vs. ACME will see the light of day, no matter the cost.
A photo of me at my graduation with my good friend Wile E. Coyote.
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