Life&Style writer Cara Scott outlines how to enjoy the romantic holiday this year, whether it’s with a partner, friends or celebrated alone
This year more than ever, many couples will be spending Valentine’s apart because of Covid-19 and the National lockdown. Couples may decide to make their own twist on a traditional Valentine’s day, as they won’t be able to go out for a special date or meal out. However, there shouldn’t be pressure for couples to do anything special this year, especially given the circumstances; some may prefer to have a more relaxed Valentine’s day, particularly if you are not in a relationship. If you are in a relationship, whether you’re in lockdown together or apart, you may choose to celebrate and to make the most of what you can do, or perhaps you may choose to celebrate Valentine’s at a later date, after lockdown.
There shouldn’t be pressure for couples to do anything special this year
My friend, fellow Redbrick writer Aimee Sargeant offers an insight into her Valentine’s day this year, as she and her boyfriend will make the most of what they can do whilst living in separate houses: ‘I’m getting (her boyfriend) gifts and will run them over to drop them off socially distanced, and then we are Face-timing and watching a movie together!’ She said that they may get a takeaway too ‘to make it seem like we’re at a restaurant, like we usually would be.’ What I loved most was that Aimee said that their plan is to ‘save the money (that they would have spent on going out) for going away together in the summer’, which to me sounds like a perfect idea, especially given how difficult this past year has been for couples during the pandemic.
Some ideas for couples living apart can include:
Dressing up nicely
This can make you feel good about yourself and add a bit more excitement if you can’t go out.
Order your favourite takeaway
The good thing about ordering separate takeaways is you can choose what you want to eat: perhaps you like a Chinese takeaway and your partner prefers Domino’s – both of you can have what you want!
Watch a romantic film together
This could be done over Face-time or Netflix Party, and you could have some snacks and turn down the lights, like you’re in a cinema.
Play some games together
These could be some fun, flirty games or just a simple trivia game.
Here are some ideas for couples that are living together during the lockdown:
Go for a nice walk together
This could be around your local area, perhaps a walk that you both enjoy, or maybe a longer walk somewhere different (keeping fairly local according to the rules, of course!)
You could buy some picnic food and go down to your local park – if the weather is nice!
Cook together
Instead of ordering a takeaway, you could both choose something to cook and help each other, you could keep it fun and simple by making homemade pizzas, for example!
Order in some decorations
Have some candles, flowers and table decorations to make it feel like you’re in a restaurant. See here for more inspiration!
To add some insight into my Valentine’s day, I’m living with my boyfriend for the lockdown so we luckily get to spend our first Valentine’s day together. Even though we can’t go out for the day like we had originally planned, we are still going to make the most of our time together at home. We plan to go for a nice walk during the day and then in the evening he is going to cook me a homemade 3 course meal, and we will also have a few drinks. We have also brought some candles and table decorations for the table to make it seem like we are in a restaurant.
Whether you are in a relationship or not, it is always good to check in with your friends and show them some love too
Let’s not forget that many people may not be in relationships and may choose not to do anything for Valentine’s, or may choose to celebrate Galantine’s day and embrace their friendships instead. Perhaps you could Face-time your friends and have a games night, or a pamper session, or just have a catch up. Whether you are in a relationship or not, it is always good to check in with your friends and show them some love too. My friend Hannah is not looking forward to Valentine’s day herself, but she said she ‘likes seeing friends and other people happy and in love…friends have my heart.’ This will be the case for many people, which is why I believe it is important to show your friends lots of love as well as any partner.
Have a nice bath, watch some movies and be content by yourself!
Photo: Free-Photos via Pixabay
An interesting idea on how to spend Valentine’s with your friends is that you could send out invites to your friends and make an evening of it over zoom – think cocktails, food, trivia and movies! But most importantly, always put yourself first – everyone deserves love so always show yourself compassion. You could even order a takeaway for yourself, have a nice bath, watch some movies and be content by yourself!
In whatever way you choose to spend Valentine’s day this year, I hope you stay safe and feel all the love you deserve, whoever the love is from.
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