Life&Style’s Megan Addison shares some creative ideas on how to treat your mum this Mother’s day, despite probably being unable to see her in person

Written by Megan Addison
Last updated
Images by Korng Sok

This Mother’s Day you may not be able to see your Mum and give her a big hug. Your Mum may love the chance to have a quiet day of unwinding after the chaos of the past year, but there is still plenty of opportunity to indulge her. Now more than ever we must celebrate the people that we love; do not forget to treat your Mum this year! Flowers and chocolates will never go out of style, but a more original, personal present might be just what she needs. Regardless of whether you’re celebrating your mother, grandmother or any kind of guardian here’s a few tips!

Now more than ever we must celebrate the people that we love

Sweet treats

Is there truly anything better than batch of cookies or brownies with your name on it? Perhaps send your Mum some homemade goodies to show her how much you appreciate her! If baking isn’t your forte, why not send her some from an online baking company? Take a look at ‘Cutter & Squidge’ here for some yummy inspiration!


Remote movie night

One of my favourite lockdown past-times has been using the ‘Watch Party’ function on streaming platforms (including Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and more). This is a great way to spend a relaxing pamper evening with your Mum while apart. Send her some snacks, a facemask or maybe a bottle of bubbly and watch your favourite movie together!


The gift of helping someone in need

I love the idea of using Mother’s Day to spread love to people who really need it the most! ‘Choose Love’ is a non-profit organisation that provides essential relief to refugees around the world. Their exclusive Mother’s Day t-shirt is the perfect way to give a gift to your Mum and those who are struggling.



One of the loveliest gifts that you can give on a student budget is the gift of nostalgia. Create a slideshow of memories and photos that you had forgotten all about. This is an incredibly heartfelt way to show your Mum how much you love her. My favourite part about this idea is that unlike flowers it doesn’t die after a few days; she can enjoy this gift forever!


Coffee and cake catch-up

Of course, it’s not always about what you give your Mum – sometimes all she wants is to have a catch-up and see you! Pop the kettle on, grab some biscuits, imagine that you’re sat in your favourite café and FaceTime your Mum.


Family Dinner

Gather all your family on a video call and eat dinner together from your separate households. It’s not quite the same as all sitting around the table together at a restaurant, but at least you can keep your pyjama bottoms on!


Hand-written letter

There aren’t many things that feel more personal and loving than a hand-written letter or card. Take your time to make it a heart-warming letter of appreciation. Maybe even make plans for when you can see your Mum again!

Make plans for when you can see your Mum again!

I’m lucky that I get to spend Mother’s Day with my Mum at home, but my brothers won’t get that opportunity. If you are in the same position and have the responsibility of making this quiet Mother’s Day still feel special for your Mum, I hope that this has given you a few ideas too!

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day wherever you are!



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