As restrictions ease across the UK, Life&Style writer Amie Kealy gives her top tips for coping with social anxiety
As lockdown restrictions continue to ease (again) in the UK, I’m sure many of us are thrilled for life to get back to some normality. However, easing back into the fast-paced lives that many of us experienced pre-COVID, is bound to cause some anxieties and problems, from forgetting one’s mask when going into a public area, to feeling overwhelmed and nervous with the thought of social interaction. Not matter how big or small our anxieties are, it is highly important to remember that it is completely acceptable to feel the way that you do.
Despite these feelings of anxiety, though, we shouldn’t avoid missing out on life just because it seems overwhelming, so below I’ve put together some tips on how to deal with post-lockdown anxiety, so that we can all try and make the most of life now that restrictions are easing.
Take Each Day as it Comes
It really is as simple as it sounds. Don’t overthink things and worry about what the situation will be tomorrow: live in the present. If you have plans for the day, like seeing a friend in the park, and you just don’t think you can do it, then don’t be too critical of yourself. Let your friend know how you’re feeling- it is important to keep real-life connections so by letting them know what going on, you’ll ensure that you won’t lose a good friend, whilst also doing what is best for you.
Say Yes
Although it is important to make sure you don’t push yourself too hard, sometimes you just have to take the plunge! And I know it can be scary and overwhelming, but sometimes in order to get over our fears, we have to face them. Now, I’m not suggesting that you go to the gym where it will no doubt be super busy, despite social distancing, because over-doing it will only cause more anxiety. A simple coffee with a friend or family member, out in the open air is enough to start the process.
Ease Yourself in with Technology
It may seem a little absurd and regressive, as post-lockdown life means we can meet people face to face again, but if you aren’t quite ready for that yet, try reaching out using your mobile phone. Start of by calling friends and family members over the phone, if you don’t do so already, to try and ease yourself back into interacting with a larger group of people again- you could even try group zoom calls. I’m sure many of us, especially university students, are fed up of zoom meetings by now, but if, during lockdown, you really haven’t had the chance to interact with people, even online, this might be a nice way to prepare yourself for large group conversations again, whilst still being in the comfort of your home.
Be Kind to Yourself
I think the most important thing to remember, though, is to just go at your own pace. Although the government decide the national easing of certain restrictions, if the pace they set out is too fast for you, just make up your own timescale. You shouldn’t feel pressured to do anything you aren’t yet comfortable to do, so just make sure to keep your own well-being in mind when choosing how to proceed. But don’t forget, although perhaps nerve-wracking, the easing of restrictions is a positive thing: it’s a chance to take our lives back!
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