TV Editor Jasmine Davies takes a look back at the dark coming-of-age, Thirteen, a perfectly-imperfect depiction of adolescence
Rome was not built in a day - it took Ridley Scott 24 years to return to the Colosseum. But was Film Critic Anastasia May entertained?
Film Writer Cassandra Fong argues Whiplash is a compelling portrait of musical obsession
Izzy Lee argues that 12 Angry Men is a masterpiece relevant to our times
Film Critic Cassandra Fong takes us back to the opening of a new decade of cinema with the psychological ballet thriller Black Swan
Film Critic Jennifer Sawitzki looks back at Shaun of the Dead on its twentieth anniversary, goes to the Winchester, and waits for it all to blow over
Jess Kempster argues that the Hunger Games franchise has been unfairly dismissed and finds new depth in the films
Film Critic Deeta Mahbubani takes a look back at 1985's The Breakfast Club, finding it a touching portrait of the contradictions of youth
Digital Editor Halima Ahad revisits a Shakespearean chick flick classic on its 25th anniversary
Film Editor Alice Weltermann looks back at Richard Curtis' About Time... and wholeheartedly recommends it
Film Editor James Richards revisits Douglas Hickox's Theatre of Blood, finding it to be just as camp and vivacious as it was upon release in 1973
Gaming Editor Louis Wright reflects back on Channel Awesome's To Boldly Flee