Music Editor Hannah Gadd reviews The 5 Seconds of Summer Show, claiming it is a testament to how far 5SOS have elevated their live shows over the past ten years
As a long-term and very dedicated 5 Seconds of Summer (5SOS) fan I knew that this tour would offer a dazzling, high-energy night for anyone who had the chance to attend. When it comes to 5SOS my expectations are always high; I have attended many of their concerts over the years and I can truly appreciate the ways they elevate their music in a live space and put on a fantastic show. I had no regrets in camping for the show either, there is a real sense of community in the 5SOS fan-base and it is always great to see the familiar faces of those who have also grown up attending their shows. ‘The 5 Seconds of Summer Show’ marks the band’s return to the UK after just over a year. With fewer dates than their ‘Take My Hand Tour’, the band are playing their biggest shows in years. ‘I didn’t realise how big this show was going to be’ bassist Calum Hood even remarked on stage.
It was the early afternoon when we headed into Manchester’s AO Arena and registered for the band’s ‘VIP Soundcheck Experience’, an intimate arrangement where they play a few deep cuts and host a Q&A. The experience was as laid-back and entertaining as ever, the band discussing everything from northern slang to the Gallagher brothers’ feud. Fans were particularly delighted to hear Out Of My Limit (the band’s first official single), the night already shaping up to be one to remember.
After a short wait and once general admission had descended into the arena, Charlotte Sands took to the stage, impressing the audience with her strong vocals as she performed songs off her upcoming debut album. AR/CO were up next who effortlessly commanded the stage and engaged with the crowd. Then it was the time everyone had been waiting for- the orange curtain which boldly read ‘The 5 Seconds of Summer Show’ had dropped and the band went straight into ‘Bad Omens’ from their latest album 5SOS5. The stage set-up for this tour is their most impressive to date- checker-board flooring covers the entire stage and a tiered platform decorated with lights hosts Ashton Irwin’s drum kit which sits in front of a bright sign which reads the band’s name.
“Front-man Luke Hemmings… paused amidst the breathless rush of hits to welcome everyone to the show
The band smoothly transitioned into their pop-punk nostalgia-filled track ‘2011’ and as guitarist Michael Clifford is encouraging the crowd to chant along with him, confetti bursts out into the arena eliciting a roar from twenty-thousand excited fans. Front-man Luke Hemmings, adorned in a ‘I Love 5SOS’ shirt, paused amidst the breathless rush of hits to welcome everyone to the show and applauded the crowd for their high energy levels. ‘Babylon’ and ‘If Walls Could Talk’ were next and proved to be fan favourites, the crowd was alive as roaring guitars filled the arena. Grinning, Michael Clifford played the iconic ‘She’s Kinda Hot’ riff inducing a thunderous cheer, Luke Hemmings holding his microphone out to the audience to sing the familiar lyrics.
A skit appears on the screens featuring 5SOS in scrubs as they ‘diagnose’ the crowd as 5SOS fans, the arena erupted into short-lived laughter as the band returned to the stage. Next up was old-favourite ‘Amnesia’ which saw tears flowing and phone torches shining, creating one of many emotional moments of the night. An impressive run of full-throttle songs followed, each member displaying unrelenting talent. The band understands how to perform as a strong, cohesive unit, dominating the stage and showing a real passion for their craft.
“The band understands how to perform as a strong, cohesive unit, dominating the stage and showing a real passion for their craft.
A comically large red and white inflatable dice emerges onto the stage, each side reading the name of 5SOS classics which haven’t had a permanent spot on their set-list in years. Hemmings throws the dice into the audience, challenging us to return it within the time-frame. Finally arriving back on stage, the front-man revealed that the song of the night would be ‘Voodoo Doll’ and fans weren’t disappointed. Even half-way into the set, the band’s energy never falters and it is visible to anyone watching that they are basking in the AO Arena’s vibrant atmosphere.
Thousands of flashlights shine on the band as they play ‘Ghost Of You’, leaving few dry eyes around me. Hemmings’ stage presence is captivating as the band work through a string of hits, his velvety, mature vocals really shining. It is not long before the next interactive segment of the show which involves a ‘competition’ between the audience and drummer Ashton Irwin seeing who can generate the most sound and energy. Irwin’s drum solo was a vivacious display of raw talent and it is clear to see that the drummer is one of the best in the current pop space.
After playing their massively popular hit ‘She Looks So Perfect’, the band left the stage and a humorous clip of the band in hotel robes played on the screens. The hotel receptionist in the video encourages the audience to cheer down the phone to persuade the band to come back on stage and it isn’t long before they hilariously appear in those same robes in front of us. We plummet into dark blue lights with a starry backdrop as 5SOS play the beginning of their much-loved track ‘Outer Space’. This tour is both a sonic and visual masterpiece and from the very beginning I was immersed into the glittering atmosphere of ‘The 5 Seconds of Summer Show’.
“This tour is both a sonic and visual masterpiece
Finally, the band head into ‘Youngblood’ which is always a brilliantly fun track live and a great way to end the night. We are showered in white confetti as the band take their final bow and there was a universal feeling of euphoria in the AO Arena. The four-piece have made a roaring return to the UK with this tour and the band have proved they have mastered the art of crafting a perfectly fun and exhilarating night of musical talent. The 5 Seconds of Summer Show is a testament to how far 5SOS have elevated their live shows over the past ten years and I am once again reminded why they are my favourite band.
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