Print & Features Editor Ash Sutton provides a run-down of ‘B-Town Indie Night’, recommending the event for students in Birmingham

first year Digital Media and Communications student, culture editor and general geek

Have you ever sat in your room, completely in the mood to listen to music? Something guitar-heavy, something headbang-y or maybe something soft or sweet or ethereal. You have scoured Spotify, but for the life of you, you cannot find anything new that hits the spot. 

The boredom hits, you want to go out. A pub, maybe, a concert? You can’t think of anything. 

Run by Tim Senna and NJ Barlow, with a history of artist hunting in their back pocket, they put on a night to remember.

B-Town may be the solution. Located in the centre of Digbeth in their home, The Rainbow Pub, B-Town showcases the best of the UK’s independent scene. Run by Tim Senna and NJ Barlow, with a history of artist hunting in their back pocket, they put on a night to remember.

B-Town is a monthly gig night, with the aim to introduce you to a selection of amazing artists you’ve definitely never heard of before. All with the intention that you find a new favourite and can feel a part of a new community. 

The seventh instalment is to be held on Wednesday 18th September at 7pm. The September line-up consists of three artists so far: Reading rock band darkmaterial, singer-songwriter Marianne Mills and Pear Drop. The fourth act will be released incredibly soon, but it cannot be denied that B-Town has something for everybody. 

If you still haven’t been convinced, I was lucky enough to review the previous B-Town gig which you can read to get you in the spirit. This was my first time attending one of these events, having discovered it merely a month before, but the experience and atmosphere was captivating. 

So if you’re bored, free, in the area and stuck for things to do, pop into The Rainbow for a night of great music, great vibes and great people.

So if you’re bored, free, in the area and stuck for things to do, pop into The Rainbow for a night of great music, great vibes and great people. Tickets are only £5 so an incredible option for students and can be purchased online through See Tickets

For further information, follow @btowngignight on Instagram. 

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